Learning Manim – 2021 Edition

If any of you have tried to use my previous instructions on how to use manim you’ll find they no longer work with the latest editions. Updating these instructions is quite an undertaking and given my teaching load, isn’t something I can keep doing. On top of that, a number of people have taken over this task and exceeded what I set out to do with my posts originally.

If you are just getting started using manim, here are my recommendations to you:

  1. Start out installing the Community Edition. It is more stable than the version that Grant updates, and much better documented. Follow the installation instructions on this site.
  2. Take a look at the documentation for using manim. This wasn’t around back is 2018 but has grown to be very helpful. The documentation includes links to some tutorials.
  3. Watch the very helpful videos by Theorem of Bethoven.
  4. Join the Discord server for the Community Edition of manim. If you have questions or installation issues, you can find someone who will help on Discord.
  5. Check out the r/manim community on Reddit. There are some good examples of what people are doing with manim.

Trying to figure out manim when there wasn’t any documentation back in 2018 was a lot of fun and I’d like to think I helped kickstart the wonderful community that has grown up around manim. I’m moving on to create manim-based videos for some of my classes and it’s been long enough since I’ve used manim that I’ll be relying on tutorials created by others.

Happy maniming…

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3 Responses to Learning Manim – 2021 Edition

  1. Pingback: Getting Started Animating with manim and Python 3.7 | Talking Physics

  2. ­김주철(전임교원/상경대학 경제학부) says:

    Your explanation was great. I learned a lot and now I want to help others to start manim in the google colab.


  3. lyn says:

    thank you for the guidence you’ve share on this website. It really helps with my project

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